
Vicent Partal in Dublin: Talk on Catalan independence

The talk that Vicent Partal gave last Tuesday (February 25th) in the Teacher’s Club in Dublin was a resounding success with larger turnout than expected. The event was organised by both the Irish branch of the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) and the Catalan Council of Ireland.
Vicent started the talk by covering the chain of events that, over the last 9 years, have led to the current situation in Catalonia whereby a large majority is in favour of self-determination followed by the announcement by the Catalan government of a referendum on the matter on November 9th 2014.
He explained how the starting point of the current wave of support for the secessionist movement dates back to 2005 when a new autonomy charter was drafted by the Catalan Parliament with the backing of all but 15 MPs out of a total of 135. This new charter was then severely cut back by the Parliament in Madrid, subsequently approved by that Parliament into Spanish law and signed by the King into law. It was then put to referendum in Catalonia and despite the cutbacks it was accepted by a majority of the people in Catalonia. Some of the cutbacks were significant, such as changing article 1 that stated that Catalonia was a nation to read that it was an autonomous region of Spain. Apparently this was not enough. The 15 MPs that had been against the new charter from the outset, all members of the Partido Popular, the right/far right party now in power in Madrid, with the backing of the party as a whole, decided to challenge the new autonomy charter in the Constitutional Court, the highest court in the land. This court, consisting of a handful of politically appointed judges decided that the fundamentals of the new charter were unconstitutional. This represented an unprecedented situation in Spain whereby a law approved by two Parliaments, signed by the King and approved by the people in a referendum was overturned by a highly politicised court (it has to be added that some of the judges in that court were serving well beyond their term of service due to a deadlock between the two main Spanish political parties, that had been fighting each other over the appointments of those judges for years).



Catalonia: Inches away from independence - Conference in Dublin 25F 2014

We are pleased to inform you about the conference "Catalonia: Inches away from independence" at the Teachers' Club (Club na Muintéoiri) , 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, Ireland the next Tuesday February 25th, 2014 starting at 6:30pm. 

Organized by Catalan Assembly in Ireland (ANC Ireland) in collaboration with the Catalan Council of Ireland, we are delighted to have Vicent Partal, journalist, director and editor of the Catalan online journal VilaWeb and writer of the recent book about independence for Catalonia “A un pam de la independència” (Inches away from independence). 

The Teachers' Club is a multifaceted venue in central Dublin, located just 5 mins walk from the GPO in the centre of the city.

During the conference, the current independence movement in Catalonia and the reasons behind it will be analysed by Vicent. The talk will cover the main events that have taken place in recent years which can only be explained against the backdrop of a history going back centuries. The aim of the session is mainly informative, the talk itself will be in English, admission is free and all are welcome.

Free entrance.


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Estem orgullosos de poder anunciar la conferència del proper dimarts 25 de Febrer del 2014 a les 6:30 pm: "Catalunya a un pam de la independència".al the Teachers' Club (Club na Muintéoiri) , 36 Parnell Square, Dublin, Irlanda.

Organitzada per l'ANC Irlanda i amb la col-laboració del Catalan Council of Ireland (www.catalancouncil.ie ), tindrem amb nosaltres en Vicent Partal, periodista, director i editor de Vilaweb (www.vilaweb.cat ) que també ens presentarà el seu darrer llibre “A un pam de la independència”  

The Teachers' Club  (Club na Muintéoiri) és troba tot just 5 mins caminant de la GPO al centre de Dublín.

Entrada gratuita.


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I al Twitter: https://twitter.com/ANC_Ireland 


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