Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) - Irlanda / Irlanda per la Independència de Catalunya
- El 24 d'abril del 2010 vam organitzar la consulta a Irlanda i el resultat va ser: Independència! - Cada any convoquem els catalans residents a Irlanda durant la Diada NAcional - Ara, mes que mai seguim al peu del canó per la llibertat de Catalunya des d'Irlanda! Assemblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) - Irlanda
La plataforma “Irlanda per la Independència de Catalunya” - ANC (Assemblea Nacional Catalana) Irlanda, el nostre objectiu és ajudar a Catalunya a aconseguir la independència.
On Sunday 01st
of September 2013 the Catalan community living in Ireland
(ANC Ireland and the Catalan
Council of Ireland)
organised a successful Human Chain in support of independence of Catalonia. The Dublin
human chain coincided with more than 100 similar other events
taking place world wide and a massive one that will take place in Catalonia
next September 11th.
It has been a
very successful event with more than 300 attendees, exceeding by far the
organisers expectations with people from all nationalities and ages gathered in
front of the Dublin’s
General Post Office (GPO), O’Connell
Street. As an act of friendliness and gratitude
towards their adopted country, Catalans welcomed
other Irish who wished to join in and be a part of the “human chain” today. Among them many of themthe member of Dáil
Éireann, Seán Crowe, TD for the constituency of Dublin South West.
The organisers have chosen the General Post
Office (GPO) in Dublin
to hold the event as the building is a symbol of Irish independence and freedom,
for its historic relevance. The people who gathered together, sang several
songs of freedom together with the Catalan national anthem and chanting
independence songs. The event was conducted in a festive yet civilised
atmosphere and passers by showed great interest and congratulated the
organisers. This event has been video recorded and subsequently will be shown
throughout most of the national media in Catalonia.
The Catalan
community in Ireland gives
its full support to independence for Catalonia
and today united its hands peacefully showing support to Catalonia and its desire for independence.
Today’s event was also useful to explain to Irish citizens and tourists why the
people of Catalonia want their independence from
as soon as possible.
Currently, the Catalan government is not allowed to hold a
referendum of independence or decide any relevant issues as it is subordinated
to the Spanish government and does not have full power of decision. Catalans
want to participate democratically in a referendum for independence. This
referendum could show then, that Catalonia
is mature enough to govern itself with its own voice in the European Union and
the United Nations.
However, as a referendum is not allowed by the Spanish government,
the social movement “Catalan National Assembly” who last 11th September
mobilised around one and a half million people during a peaceful rally
in Barcelona as a show of solidarity with the Catalan Government and in support
of the proposed Referendum, are organizing a “human chain” of over 400,000
persons holding hands that will peacefully stretch along the entire country
from north to south (about 400
Km) on 11 September 2013, Catalonia’s national day. More
than 200 foreign journalists have requested to be able to cover the Catalan Way,
creating a much higher international interest than for last year’s huge rally.
the Catalan Community in Ireland
completed today, many Catalan communities abroad are also participating in this
serene symbolic gesture creating their own “human chains” in more than 100
cities around the globe. New York, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, Edinburgh, Hong
Kong, Beijing, Bangkok, Los Angeles, Boston, Rome, Miami, Frankfurt, Vancouver
… and many more !!! Such as a similar event thatwill
also be held here in Cork
next week:
·Cork Saturday, 7th of
September at 17h pm Grand Parade, in front of Cork City Library
The ANC Ireland wants to say to all those who attended the event and the ones who have shown interest in this rather unusual representation of good will where many people peacefully holded
hands for a minute or two to symbolise their support of a nation’s democratic
right to decide its future by means of a Referendum.”
For more pictures and videos, please visit:
Ja som més de 185 registrats i encara queden 3 dies!
Informació necessària per la teva participació a la Via Catalana a Dublín el dia 1 de setembre:
Dia:01 de setembre 2013
Hora:17:14 pm (Hora irlandesa, cal ser puntuals)
Lloc:GPO - General Post Office, O'connell Street. (Al mateix lloc que l'any passat).
- Farem una concentració inicial ,com l'any passat, davant de laGPOi després tot seguit farem la cadena humana al mig d'O'connell Street entre mig de les dues voreres, on no hi passen gaires vianants, a costat de l'Spire baixant direcció avall cap al riu Liffey, on ens donarem les mans durant uns minuts.
- Com que volem gravar un vídeo, seria convenient portar unasamarreta de color groc, ja sigui la oficial o qualsevol de color groc.
- Seria convenient i important portar el màxim debanderes catalanes o estelades i banderes irlandeses.
- L'ANC és una entitat no partidista amb l'objectiu únic d'aconseguir la Independència de Catalunya, per tant us agrairiem queno portéssiu simbologia de cap partit política la Via Catalana de Dublín, les banderes anteriorment mencionades serien suficients.
- En acabar la Cadena humana / Via Catalana anirem a fer una foto final al Garden of Remembrance on cantarem l'himne nacional de Catalunya i després aniremal pub The Heritage Pub Parnell Inn, per fer unes pintes i a les 8pm ens espera el València - Barça de futbol per a qui el vulgui veure.
Extra:El proper dia 7 de setembre també en farem una a Cork, feu-ho saber a la gent de Cork :)
- Dissabte, 7 de setembre a les 17h a Grand Parade, davant de la Cork City Library. (Cork)
Més informació sobre la de Cork: Per a aquells que s'hi animin, a les 18h al Triskel hi haurà una xerrada a càrrec de Marcel·lí Antúnez, una de les figures més revellants de l'art electrònic i l'experimentació escènica i cofundador de La Fura dels Baus, com a part del programa del congrés The Body in Catalan Visual Culture.
Catalan Way in support of self-determination of Catalonia that we will hold in Dublin. We are already more than 185 people registered and still have 3 more days!
We want to take this opportunity to give you some additional information about the event:
Day: September the 1st, 2013
Time:17:14 pm (Sharp)
Lloc:GPO - General Post Office, O'connell Street. (Same as last year).
- We will meet initially at theGPOlike last year and afterwards we will starts the human chain at O'connell Street, next to the Spire, going down direction to the river Liffey, where we will complete the human chain holding our hands for few minutes.
- We intend to record a video, ideally everyone should wear ayellow t-shirtand if possiblebring Catalan and/or Irish flags.
- The Catalan National Assembly is a non-partisan organization working to achieve the independence of Catalonia. therefore we would appreciate ifno specific political parties symbols are brought to the event.Catalan or Irish national flags are enough.
- When we finish the human chain, we will go to theGarden of Remembrance to take a final photo, we will sing the Catalan National anthem and afterwards we will go to thepub The Heritage Pub Parnell Inn, to have some drinks and at 8pm whoever wants can enjoy the football match: Valencia - Barça.
Extra: We also have a human chain in support of independence of Catalonia next 7th of Setembre in Cork, so please feel free to pass the info to your friends from Cork.
- Saturday, 7th of September at 7h Grand Parade, in front of Cork City Library. (Cork)
Ja tenim 2 cadenes humanes per la independència de Catalunya a Irlanda.
Us podeu inscriure a ambdues a través de la web:
- Diumenge, 1 de setembre a les 17:14 a la GPO d ' O'connell Street, a Dublín.
- Dissabte, 7 de setembre a les 17h a Grand Parade, davant de la Cork City Library.
Més informació sobre la de Cork: Per a aquells que s'hi animin, a les 18h al Triskel hi haurà una xerrada a càrrec de Marcel·lí Antúnez, una de les figures més revellants de l'art electrònic i l'experimentació escènica i cofundador de La Fura dels Baus, com a part del programa del congrés The Body in Catalan Visual Culture.
ANC Ireland together with the Catalan Council of Ireland and will organise on the 01st of September at the GPO - Oconnell Street in Dublin at 17.15 pm
Basically, we will do a Human chain ( peaceful demonstration) to manifest our desire for Catalonia to become a fully independent country and we thought that given the fact that Ireland and Catalonia have a very similar background many Irish people from your organisation would be interested in joining us.
so what is this all about:
The Catalan Way… also abroad!
If you follow the process of Catalan self-determination, you must be aware of the human chain for independence that the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) is preparing for the upcoming September 11:The Catalan Way. This initiative will be the second mass participation event organized by the ANC after last year’s demonstration, when one and a half million people took to the streets of Barcelona to demand the constitution of an independent Catalan state. This time, hundreds of thousands of Catalans will join their hands to form a vast human chain across the country, from north to south, following the Catalan coastline.But that’s not all! We want this human chain to extend beyond the borders of our country and reach everyone who is a friend of Catalonia and supports the people’s right of self-determination. Between August 1 and September 11, theANC Catalan Foreign Assembliesare organizing the International Catalan Way, small scale replicas of the human chain in Catalonia in the main cities of the world. So you might be able to join us very soon just around the corner where you live! This will be a unique event to celebrate freedom and solidarity. Don’t miss it!
The images recorded in the events held until September 3 will be edited in a video that the ANC will use to promote the Catalan Way, to encourage participation, and to internationalise the issue of Catalan self-determination, seeking the support and complicity of other countries. If you would like to be part of Catalan history and join your hands with your Catalan neighbours and friends, just fill out theregistration form.
Below you will find a list of locations with the International Catalan Way events that have already been confirmed. But there are many more being prepared in other places of the world.
Making way in the world!
So if you want to join us, please do so by registering at:
Day: 01 of September 2013 Time: 17:14 Lloc:GPO - General Post Office, O'connell Street.
Recommendations: We have already registered more than 90 people and as we intend to record a video, ideally everyone should wear a yellow t-shit and if possible bring Catalan and/or Irish flags. When we finish we will go to have some drinks at: The Heritage Pub Parnell Inn
Molts de vosaltres viatjareu a Catalunya aquest 11 de setembre per ser
una baula més de la Via Catalana cap a la Independència. Però serem
molts més els que ho viurem des de lluny. Aquesta distància no ha de
fer-nos menys protagonistes d'un esdeveniment que farà història.
això, des de l'Assembla Nacional Catalana a Irlanda (ANC Irlanda), també organitzarem la
cadena humana a Dublín amb tots els catalans i simpatitzants de Catalunya disposats
a unir les seves mans per mostrar al món que la nostra determinació
d'esdevenir un estat independent és ferma, pacífica i majoritària.
Us passarem més informació en breu de l'event a Dublín però de moment, per a poder-vos
contactar amb els detalls finals, us animem a registrar-vos a través del següent